
Workforce re-entry refers to the process of returning to work after a period of absence, such as a career break, parental leave, sabbatical, unemployment, medical leave and even incarceration. It involves various steps and considerations to successfully reintegrate into the workforce and expunge felony convictions. Here are some services our clients have benefitted from in workforce re-entry:

  • Resume Update: Updating and tailoring your resume to reflect your most recent skills, experiences, and qualifications is essential. Highlight any relevant training, certifications, accomplishments or volunteer work during your absence from the workforce.
  • Skills Assessment: Assessing your skills and identifying any gaps or areas that need improvement is important. We consider the evolving demands of your field and explore opportunities for upskilling or reskilling to enhance your marketability.
  • Job Search Strategies: We help develop a comprehensive job search strategy that includes online job boards, professional networking, attending career fairs, and leveraging social media platforms like LinkedIn. Seek out resources and support services available for job seekers in your area as well as international employment opportunities.
  • Professional Networking: Networking is crucial for re-entering the workforce. Attend industry events, join professional associations, and connect with former colleagues, mentors, and acquaintances who may be able to provide job leads or references.
  • Interview Preparation: Brush up on your interview skills by researching common interview questions, practicing responses, and conducting mock interviews. Consider any changes or updates in interview formats, such as virtual interviews, and prepare accordingly.
  • Confidence Building: Taking time away from work can sometimes erode confidence. We help you engage in activities that build your confidence, such as attending workshops, joining support groups, or seeking out career counseling or coaching services.
  • Flexible Work Options: Explore flexible work arrangements that accommodate your personal circumstances. This could include part-time positions, remote work, flexible hours, or entrepreneurial endeavors. Be open to discussing these options with TOPNOTCH professionals during the job search process.
  • Skill Reinforcement: Engage in activities that reinforce and update your skills. This can include online courses, workshops, volunteer work, freelancing, or participating in professional projects that align with your career goals.
  • Industry Research: We help you stay informed with the latest trends, developments, and advancements in your industry. Subscribe you to industry newsletters, read relevant publications, and follow influential thought leaders and organizations to demonstrate your ongoing commitment and knowledge.
  • Support Networks: We provide appropriate support from peers, mentors, and professional networks specifically tailored to individuals re-entering the workforce. These networks can provide valuable advice, resources, and connections to help you navigate the process.
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